The UT Works Program launched a Transformation Network and a Communications Network in the fall to help units involved in the program understand the changes coming with UT Works.
Comprised of individuals nominated by their leadership, the Transformation Network will participate in testing the new system and participate in pilot training. The Communications Network will work closely with the Transformation Network and help share information within their units and provide feedback to the program.
In a kickoff meeting in December, Heather Hanna, Executive Director of Enterprise Business IT Solutions (eBITS), and Scott Griffin, Interim Director of Facilities Services, helped orient the two networks to their roles.
“Everyone in these Networks was selected because they know the business and the culture of their teams well,” said Heather. “They have also become known in their units as people who are open to change and learning about new things and are particularly good at sharing their knowledge with their peers.”
The Transformation Network will participate in activities throughout the spring and summer, which will include testing the UT Works system with the UT Works Program to ensure the system is working as expected. Eventually, the Transformation Network will also get early access to pilot training to help provide feedback and improve the training so it will work for all employees in the units being impacted.
The Communications Network will work closely with the Transformation Network and the UT Works Program team to tailor and distribute communications to the employees in their areas, provide feedback to the program to improve communications and bring questions and concerns to the program that the program can help clarify through web content, FAQs, presentations, and newsletter articles.
“It is our plan that these groups of engaged team members can work together to be change champions to help everyone better manage the changes so that everyone can focus on getting their jobs done in an effective and efficient manner after the new UT Works system is in place,” said Heather.
For a list of Network participants and their units, visit the UT Works Program Networks page.