UT Works Training Update

July 30, 2024

To prepare for the transition to UT Works, the UT Works Program and business units are preparing to train over 900 employees through over 100 training sessions from September through October and beyond. The training sessions will provide those who will use UT Works with the tools and skills needed to successfully transition to the new system while also providing the information they will need to feel supported during Hypercare after Go-live.

Training a large number of employees spread across multiple business units required the program to work with business leadership to take several operational considerations into account. A prime consideration was to take the specific business processes used by each unit into account by breaking classes out by department. This focus will help ensure that the training received by employees is relevant to how each unit will use UT Works to complete tasks. As units will still need to be able to provide services to campus consistently during the training period, program staff are also taking schedules, locations, and staffing levels into account when creating training plans.

Look for more information about training sessions, including the training calendar, to become available in early August. Each business unit will manage training registrations for their employees using their internal processes.

Device Training

To leverage UT Works’ advanced features, many technicians will use mobile devices in the field to manage tasks and access information. While increasingly common, not everyone has the same level of experience or comfort when using a mobile device. To help ensure that everyone who uses a mobile device with UT Works, including using the camera and voice-to-text notetaking to document on-site conditions, can do so confidently, device training will be integrated into Technician training sessions. Device training topics will cover everything from the basics of using a mobile device to the advanced UT Works-specific features. Technicians will also learn how to get support or additional training as needed after they begin using UT Works.

Pilot Training

Similar to how Unit and End-To-End testing help ensure that UT Works operates as intended, Pilot Training helps the training team make sure that materials and training methods are effective in giving new UT Works users the skills they need to be successful. Pilot Training for the Operations & Maintenance (O&M) module will take place in August, while Capital Planning and Project Management (CPPM) pilot training will occur in September. Members of the Transformation Network’s Change Champions will take part in pilot training as part of their preparations for supporting their units.


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Update Training
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