Preparing Campus Customers for UT Works

September 26, 2024

How will the Transition to UT Works Affect Campus?

As we prepare for Go-Live, campus customers who currently use other means to request services, such as WORQS, are being introduced to UT Works as the future method for submitting work requests. Building Managers were introduced to the new Report an Issue and Paid Service Request forms at a recent committee meeting. Student Residents will also have a new Residential Maintenance form in UT Works.

Each of the customer populations will find links to the UT Works request forms in the same places they go online to get help today. To ensure that campus is prepared, the communication teams from each unit transitioning to UT Works (UHD, FS, PDC, UEM, and BFS) are in the process of identifying the online locations where links will need to be updated and scheduling that change to occur with go-live.

As the go-live transition will include freezing WORQS to prevent customers from submitting new requests, campus customers will also receive instructions on how to request assistance with any issues that may arise during the transition window. These instructions will ensure that units transitioning to UT Works continue to support their customers across the University.

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