In this issue:
- UT Works Phase 1 Update — Testing Ensures a Successful Launch
- Demo Sessions Introduce Teams to UT Works
- Welcome UT Works Trainers
- Looking Ahead
UT Works Phase 1 Update — Testing Ensures a Successful Launch
As we approach summer, the UT Works Phase 1 modules move from Unit Testing to End-to-End testing. Collaboration between UT Works Program implementation teams and business units during testing helps ensure that all system components will cut over successfully when UT Works goes live in the fall of 2024.
Demo Sessions Introduce Teams to UT Works
Demo sessions have provided over 400 members of staff across units involved in the UT Works Program with a taste of what their day-to-day activities in UT Works will look like while sharing some of the benefits of the new system.
Welcome UT Works Trainers
Facilities Services (FS) shared information about the new UT Works training team on the FS FIRST website in April. We are republishing their piece here for everyone outside of FS who does not have access to FIRST. Please join the UT Works Program in welcoming, and learning more about, the UT Works training team.
Looking Ahead
Look for the following activities to occur during the Summer of 2024.
- Ongoing — UT Works Demonstration Sessions
- Now–August — End-to-end testing for O&M, CPPM, and ReADY request forms.
- August — Device Training for frontline workers.
- August — Pilot Training
- September — End-user training begins
Learn More about UT Works
The UT Works Program FAQ page for frequently asked questions about what, why, and how of the changes coming with the UT Works Program.
The UT Works Glossary collects and defines terms used when discussing UT Works that might be unfamiliar to some UT staff.