In this issue:
- Get Ready! UT Works Goes Live this November
- Getting Help After Go-Live
- UT Works Training Update: Getting Ready for Go-Live
- Preparing Campus Customers for UT Works
- Looking Ahead
Get Ready! UT Works Goes Live this November
The wait is (almost) over! UT Works will go live on November 5, 2024. Moving to UT Works will enable the University to better manage its physical spaces, improve the delivery of mission-critical services, provide better data for driving capital projects, and streamline workflows across multiple units. To help everyone get ready for go-live, we are collecting and publishing Readiness Resources to prepare for a successful transition to using UT Works.
Getting Help After Go-Live
To help ensure that everyone can use UT Works successfully after go-live, the program team and business units have worked together to create multiple ways to get support when needed.
UT Works Training Update: Getting Ready for Go-Live
September saw mobile device training, along with 22 other classes for managers, supervisors, and others. In October, classes for technicians, the custodial team, and many more groups will take place as we get ready for Go-Live.
Preparing Campus Customers for UT Works
As we prepare for Go-Live, campus customers who currently use other means to request services, such as WORQS, are being introduced to UT Works as the future method for submitting work requests.
Looking Ahead
Look for the following activities to continue through Go-Live and beyond.
- October through Go-Live – UT Works User Training Sessions
- November 5 – UT Works Goes Live!
- November – Hypercare Support begins with Go-Live
- November – Change Management coaching sessions resume
- November – Ongoing UT Works Training
Learn More about UT Works
Visit the UT Works Program FAQ page for frequently asked questions about what, why, and how of the changes coming with the UT Works Program.
The UT Works Glossary collects and defines terms used when discussing UT Works that might be unfamiliar to some UT staff.