Transformation Network Directory

Click to find your local Change Champion or Change Leader.

The Change Leaders and Change Champions of the Transformation Network help their coworkers and team members transition to using UT Works.


Change Champions

Change Champions support their teams by answering their coworkers' questions about UT Works or helping them find additional training and support when needed.

Unit Department or ShopChange Champion
Business and Financial Services (BFS)Business Services (1025)Jessica Kelleher
Kara Gray
Leticia Perdue
 Central Store & Purchasing (1010)Amari Johnson
  Johnathan Williams
  Marcus Grimes
  Luis Hernandez
Custodial ServicesAdministrative (For Testing) (1109)Elizabeth Montalvan-Orozco
Valerie Desmarais
 Cleaning Crew (Day) (1115)Frank Lopez
 Cleaning Crew (Night) (1331)Joseph Esquivel
 Cleaning Crew (Night) (1332)Norma Ramirez
 Cleaning Crew (Night) (1333)Miche Jefferson
 Cleaning Crew (Night) (1443)Deogratias Niyongabo
 Cleaning Crew (Night) (1444)Minh Vu
 Custodial Cleaning Crew (Night) (1445)Ismael Martinez
 Cleaning Crew (Night) (1551)Imayasil Lopez
 Cleaning Crew (Night) (1552)Bartolo Gomez
 Cleaning Crew (Night) (1553)Alexander Rangel
 Cleaning Crew (Night) (1554)Roberto Rodriguez
 Cleaning Crew (Night) (1661)Christina Gonzalez
 Cleaning Crew (Night) (1662)Marisol Ginez
 Cleaning Crew (Night) (1663)Tomasa Trevino
 Cleaning Crew (Night) (1664)Jorge Aldape-Alba
 Cleaning Crew (Night) (1771)Jessie Scruggs
 Cleaning Crew (Night) (1772)Elia Villarreal
  Cleaning Crew (Night) (1773)Michael Dominguez
 Cleaning Crew (Night) (1774)Ana Trejo DeAlvarez
 Cleaning Crew (Night) (1881)Matilde Torres
 Cleaning Crew (Night) (1882)Hussien Kdhaer
Lena Rangel
 Cleaning Crew (Night) (1884)Innocent Sendimaso
 Management (1000)Don Schaffer
Emmanuel Nshime
 Porter Crew West Campus (Day) (1113)Brandon Page
Samar Raad
 Training Staff (1105)James Shults
 Weekend & Holiday (Day) (1112)Jorge Medina-Mendez
 Weekend & Holidays (Night) (1116)Ricardo Liera
 Dell Medical School Custodial Crew - DMS, DPI - Day Custodial (1114)Eduardo Gardea
 Dell Medical School Custodial Crew - N-DMA: HDB, HLB (1221)Peter (Phuc) Nguyen
 Dell Medical School Custodial Crew - N-DMS: HTB (1222)Estalfo Vargas
Facilities Operations and Maintenance (FOM)Building Maintenance Administration (1028)David Henry
Erin Dillon
 Building Operations (1044)Thomas Crawford
 Central Campus Maintenance Zone 2 (1092)Celeste Brown
Xavier Torrez
 Dell Medical School Maintenance Zone 6 (1195)Justin Beeson
Mario Chavez
 East Campus Maintenance Zone 3 (1093)Bradley Rogers
Danny McGee
Isis Rogers
Stephen Freeman
 Engineering & Technical Support (1097)Anthony Le
 Fire Safety Shop (1019)Catarina Gonzales
Joe Sandoval
John Stubblefield
Mike Johnson
Steven McDonald
 Instrumentation & Controls Shop (1014)Jesus Huizar
 North Campus Maintenance Zone 1 (1091)Linda Moreno
Thanh Pham
Timothy Cavanaugh
 PRC Maintenance (1051)Chris Olson
Daniel Nunnelee
Rick Burch
Willie Jenkins
 South Campus Maintenance Zone 4 (1094)Amuel Wier
Chad Wenzel
James Herrera
Luis Hernandez
 Swing Shift (1099)Ethan Turnipseed
Facilities Services (FS)Facilities Services (1000)Elizabeth Saavedra
James Conradt
Landscape and Integrated Building Services (LIBS)Event & Moving Services (1036)Bobbie Brooks
Dezarae Hernandez
Shay Leigh
 Lock & Key Services (1032)Cheryl Records
Matthew Dominguez
 Landscape Work Management (1035)Mike Klemmer
 Pest Control (2000)Mart Stubblefield
 Surplus Property (1033)Kaleb Allen
Planning, Design and Construction (PDC)Abatement Shop (1038)Javier Duarte
 Carpentry Shop (1021)Conan Dillard
 Construction Administration (1020)Steven Arzola
 Construction Services Project Management (1026)Lyndsey Rodriguez
 Electrical Shop (1007)Bryan Reed
 General Construction Shop (1024)Arthur Roderique
 Mechanical Shop (1023)Hector Farias
 Paint and Sign Shop (1022)Parrin Guidry
 Planning  (2003)Matt Stevens
 Project Management (1027)Amir Shadlu
Amy Neskar
Anjanette Rich
Brittany Kelley
Cynthia Rangel
Dorothy Fojtik
Felicia Garcia-Hildenbrand
Holly Sparks-Anderson
Hunter McBroom
Lana Beranek
Maria Pijem
Teresa Griffin
Trina Bickford
 Technical Review Team (1012)Chandra Blake
University Housing and Dining (UHD)Administrative (2024)Christina Bomar
Denise Zuniga
Riley Buchanan
 Jester Building Services (2019)Carlos Mendieta
Richard Dixon
 Lake Maintenance (2017)Marc Chandler
 North Maintenance (2015)Sean Welton
 Pest Control (2022)Thomas Swist
 Security Services (2014)Thomas Campbell
 South Maintenance (2016)Loyd Arnold
 WCR Building Services (2020)Michael Farrell
Utilities and Energy Management (UEM)Chilling Stations Maintenance (1011)Billy Butler
Chase Dube
Holly Mittel
 Electrical (2007)Chris Ermis
 Electrical Distribution (1015)Bryan Fontenot
 Energy Management (2013)Adam Keeling
 Instrumentation (2005)San Juan Ledesma
 Mechanical Distribution (1018)Michael Groneck
 Operating Technologies (2011)Chris Hohl
 Power Plant Maintenance (1002)Maddie Barlow
 Power Plant Operations (2004)Albert Benavides
 Project Management Services (2009)Scott Wiedeman
 Strategic Programs (2012)James Pantermuehl
 Utilities Administration (1016)Michael Trejo
Tejas Pevekar
 Water Treating Operations (2010)Chad Johnson


Change Leaders

Change Leaders support their teams by making sure they are aware of news and information about UT Works, helping team members successfully manage change, or escalating UT Works issues when necessary.

UnitDepartment or ShopChange Leader
Business and Financial Services (BFS)Business Services (1025)Bradley Miller
Elisabeth Ruggles
Kayla Moore-McEwan
Leticia Perdue
Mandy Henry
Vianey Borrego
 Central Stores & Purchasing (1010)Johnathan Williams
Loren Matus
Marcus Grimes
Custodial ServicesManagement (1997)Amelia Rangel
Amy Robertson
Ben Triplett
Dave Stevens
Emmanuel Nshime
Fidel Garcia
Mark Roberts
Patrick Carter
Richard Charbel
Sonia Keel Guevara
Tony Charbel
Valerie Cerda
 Training Staff (1105)Eddie Mutabazi
Facilities Operations and Maintenance (FOM)Building Maintenance Administration (1028)Erin Dillon
 Building Operations (1044)Thomas Crawford
 Central Campus Maintenance Zone 2 (1092)Mike Foley
 Dell Medical School Maintenance Zone 6 (1195)Jevon Catlin
 East Campus Maintenance Zone 3 (1093)Richard Eaves
 Engineering & Technical Support (1097)Darnell Mack
 Fire Safety Shop (1019)Tammy Swaton
 Instrumentation & Controls Shop (1014)John Duttinger
 North Campus Maintenance Zone 1 (1091)Richard Huddleston
 PRC Maintenance (1051)Wesley Funderburgh
 South Campus Maintenance Zone 4 (1094)Alex Baldwin
 Swing Shift (1099)Enrique Sanchez Carmona
Facilities Services (FS)Facilities Services (1000)Bubba Stuessy
Quentin Rodriguez
Landscape and Integrated Building Services (LIBS)Lock & Key Services (1032)Michael Costa
 Landscape Work Management (1035)Allison Williams
Jim Carse
 Surplus Property (1033)Mark Engelman
Planning, Design and Construction (PDC)Construction Services Project Management (1026)Mitch Stepp
Stacy Frost
 Planning  (2003)Kate Haenchen
 Project Management (1027)Brian Dujon
Francis Bohn
Karen Lacey
Kirk Kaszynski
Mara Landi
Michael Uyeda
Nina Hammoudeh
Robin Camp
Sergio Altamirano
Trina Bickford
University Housing and Dining (UHD)Administrative (2024)Christina Bomar
 Jester Building Services (2019)Carlos Mendieta
Richard Dixon
 Lake Maintenance (2017)Marc Chandler
 North Maintenance (2015)Sean Welton
 Pest Control (2022)Thomas Swist
 Security Services (2014)Thomas Campbell
 South Maintenance   (2016)Gilberto Acosta
 WCR Building Services (2020)Michael Farrell
Utilities and Energy Management (UEM)Elevator Maintenance (1074)Matthew Pike
 Chilling Stations Maintenance (1011)Adam Erickson
Chase Dube
James Fowler
Stanley Krause
 Controls (2006)Eduardo Juvera
 Electrical (2007)Akram Abderrahmani
Eric Salazar
Ernest Henry
 Energy And Resource Management (1096)Julius Oladoyin
 Engineering (2008)Travis Isakson
 Instrumentation (2005)Tekoa Shaw
 Mechanical Distribution (1018)Ryan Roberts
 Operating Technologies (2011)Anthony Estrada
 Power Plant Maintenance (1002)Jared Gerren
 Utilities Administration (1016)Holly Mittel
Isidora Sanchez
Tejas Pevekar